Enterprise games
0-9, A-B, C-D, E-F, G-H, I-J, K-L, M-N, O-P, Q-R, S-T, U-V, W-X, Y-Z
Title | year |
publisher | type | machine | info |
Caesar a Cica (HU) | 1989 |
Novotrade | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Cannibals |
1987 |
Alternative Software | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Cannon Ball | 1983 |
Hudson Soft | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Captain Blood |
1988 |
ERE Informatiqe | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Captain Fizz | 1989 |
Psyclapse | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Captain Sevilla | 1988 |
Dinamic | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Carrier Command |
1989 |
Rainbird | simulation | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Casanova | 1989 |
Iber Software | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Castle Dracula Adventure 5 | 1985 |
Microdeal | text adventure | Ep128 | |
Castle Master |
1990 |
Incentive | arcade, freescape | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Castle Master 2: The Crypt |
1990 |
Incentive | arcade, freescape | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Castle Master 2: The Crypt |
1991 |
Incentive | arcade, freescape | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Castle of Dreams | 1985 |
Widgit Software | text adventure | Ep128 | |
Castles & Kingdoms | 1985 |
Virgin Books | text adventure | Ep128 | |
Castlevania: Spectral Interlude | 2015 |
Rewind | akció, kaland | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Catacomb |
1985 |
Entersoft | arcade, maze | Ep128 | |
Cauldron |
1986 |
Entersoft | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Cauldron 2 |
1986 |
Palace | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Caves of the Orb (ISDOS) | 1986 |
SyntaxSoft | text adventure | Ep128, Amstrad | |
CentrumBall |
1987 |
Balkansoft | pinball | Ep128 | |
Chains |
1985 |
Artificial | arcade, typing tutor | Ep128 | |
Challenge of the Gobots |
1987 |
Reaktor | shoot-em-up | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Championship Jet Ski Simulator |
1989 |
Code Masters | arcade, race | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Chaos | 1985 |
Games Workshop | strategy | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Chaos 2 | Blindmouse Ltd | strategy | Ep128, Spectrum | ||
Chase HQ. |
1989 |
Ocean | arcade, race | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Chase HQ. |
1989 |
Ocean | arcade, race | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Chase HQ. 2 |
1990 |
Ocean | arcade, race | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Chequered Flag |
1982 |
Psion | simulation, race | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Chessmaster 2000, The | 1990 |
UBI Soft | chess | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Chevy Chase |
1991 |
Hi-Tec | arcade, race | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Chibi Akumas | 2018 |
Keith Sear | shoot-em-up | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Chickin Chase | 1985 |
Firebird | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Chips's Challenge | 1990 |
Epyx | arcade, maze | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu Warrior |
1990 |
Positive Soft | arcade, beat-em-up | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Chronos |
1987 |
Mastertronic | shoot-em-up | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Chuckie Egg |
1983 |
A'n'F Software | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Circus Games |
1988 |
Tynesoft | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Classic Muncher |
1988 |
Bubble Bus | arcade, maze | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Cobra |
1986 |
Ocean | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Codename MAT |
1984 |
Micromega | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Collision Course |
1987 |
Americana | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Coloristic | 2020 |
Mborik | logical | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Colossal Adventure | 1985 |
Level 9 | text adventure | Ep128 | |
Colossus 4 Chess |
1986 |
CDS Microsystems | chess | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Comando Tracer | 1989 |
Dimanic | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Combat Zone |
1983 |
Artic Computing | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Commando |
1985 |
Elite | shoot-em-up | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Commando | 1985 |
Elite | shoot-em-up | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Cookie |
1983 |
Ultimate | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Corsarios |
1989 |
Opera Soft | arcade, beat-em-up | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Count Duckula |
1989 |
Alternative Software | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Cracker Game | 1991 |
EDC | logical | Ep128 | |
Crazy Cars | 1988 |
Titus | arcade, race | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Crazy Cars 2 |
1988 |
Titus | arcade, race | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Crazy Cars 2 |
1990 |
Titus | arcade, race | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Crazy Pingoin | 1986 |
Magic Team | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Crillion | 2018 |
IstvanV & Geco | arcade | Ep128 | |
Cross Road (HU) | 1988 |
'a' Studio | arcade, race | Ep128 | |
Cross Road (fixed) | 1988 |
Titus | arcade, race | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Cross Road Reloaded | 1988 |
Titus | arcade, race | Ep128 | |
CrossFire | 2020 |
ZKA | arcade | Ep128, Videoton | |
Curro Jimenez | 1989 |
Zigurat | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Curse of Sherwood, The |
1987 |
Mastertronic | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Curses (ISDOS) | 1994 |
Graham Nelson | text adventure | Ep128 | |
Cutthroats (ISDOS) | 1984 |
Infocom | text adventure | Ep128 | |
Cybernoid |
1988 |
Hewson | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Cybernoid |
1988 |
Hewson | arcade action | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Cybernoid 2 |
1988 |
Hewson | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Cybernoid 2 |
1988 |
Hewson | arcade action | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Cyberun |
1986 |
Ultimate | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Cyclone |
1985 |
Vortex | simulation | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Cyrus Chess |
1985 |
Inteligent Software | chess | Ep128 | |
Daley Thompson's Super Test |
1985 |
Ocean | sport | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dam Busters, The |
1985 |
US Gold | simulation | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dan Dare |
1986 |
Virgin | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dan Dare 2 |
1988 |
Virgin | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dan Dare 3 |
1990 |
Virgin | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Danger Mouse in Double Trouble |
1984 |
Creative Sparks | aecade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dark Lord Demo (HU) | OrkSoft | adventure, graphic | Ep128 | ||
Dark Sceptre |
1987 |
Beyond | strategy | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dark Side |
1988 |
Incentive | arcade, freespace | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Deactivators | 1986 |
Reaktor | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Deadline (ISDOS) | 1982 |
Infocom | text adventure | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Death Diver |
1984 |
Entersoft | arcade | Ep128 | |
Death Stalker |
1989 |
Code Masters | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Death Star Interceptor |
1985 |
System 3 | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Death Wish III. |
1986 |
Gremlin Graphics | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Deathchase |
1983 |
Micromega | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Deflektor | 1987 |
Gremlin Graphics | logical | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Delta Wing |
1984 |
Creative Sparks | simulation | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Demon's Revenge |
1988 |
Firebird | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Desolator | 1988 |
US Gold | arcade, maze | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Deviants |
1987 |
Players | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Devil's Lair |
1985 |
Loriciels | arcade | Ep128 | |
Diamonds (HU) | 1989 |
InfoSoft | arcade, maze | Ep128 | |
Dictator (HU) |
1984 |
Entersoft | strategy, management | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Digger Dan |
1983 |
Ocean | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Digi Pók (HU) |
1987 |
'a' Studio | arcade | Ep128 | |
Dimension Omega | 1989 |
Positive | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dino, The Game (ISDOS) | 2011 |
Kostas M. | text adventure | Ep128 | |
Dizzy |
1987 |
Code Masters | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dizzy 2: Treasure Island |
1988 |
Code Masters | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dizzy 3: Fantasy World (HU) |
1988 |
Code Masters | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dizzy 3 and Half |
1988 |
Crash | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dizzy 4: Magicland |
1989 |
Code Masters | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy |
1991 |
Code Masters | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dizzy 6: Prince of the YolkFolk |
1991 |
Code Masters | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom |
1992 |
Code Masters | arcade adventure | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Dizzy Down the Rapids |
1991 |
Code Masters | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dizzy Lord (HU) |
1990 |
OrkSoft | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dogfight 2187 |
1987 |
Starlight | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dominator | 1989 |
System 3 | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Donkey Kong | 1986 |
Ocean | arcade, platform | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Donkey Kong Junior (HU) | 2019 |
KKS2003 | arcade, platform | Ep128, Videoton | |
Dot Breaker, Collector |
1987 |
DotGames | arcade | Ep128 | |
Double Dragon | 1989 |
Melbourne House | akció, verekedõs | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Down to Earth |
1987 |
Firebird | arcade, beat-em-up | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Draconus | 1988 |
Zeppelin | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dragon Breed | 1990 |
Activision | shoot-em-up | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dragon Ninja |
1988 |
Imagine | arcade, beat-em-up | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dragon Spirit | 1989 |
Domark | shoot-em-up | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dragon's Lair II. |
1987 |
Software Projects | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Drakkar | 1989 |
Delta Software | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Draughts Genius |
1987 |
Rack-It | logical | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Driller |
1987 |
Incentive | arcade, freespace | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Driller |
1987 |
Incentive | arcade, freespace | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Druid II: Enlightenment | 1986 |
Firebird | arcade, freespace | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Duck Out |
1989 |
Dro Soft | arcade, beat-em-up | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Duct, The | 1988 |
Gremlin | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Duet | 1987 |
Elite | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dun Darach | 1985 |
Gargoyle | adventure, graphic | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dungeon Adventure | 1984 |
Level 9 | text adventure | Ep128 | |
Dustin |
1988 |
Dinamic | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dwarfs' Land (HU) |
1992 |
Orksoft | text adventure | Ep128 | |
Dynamite Dan |
1985 |
Mirrorsoft | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dynamite Dan II. | 1986 |
Mirrorsoft | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Dynatron Mission |
1987 |
Mastertronic | arcade, maze | Ep128, Spectrum | |