Enterprise games
0-9, A-B, C-D, E-F, G-H, I-J, K-L, M-N, O-P, Q-R, S-T, U-V, W-X, Y-Z
Cím | kiadás | kiadó | típus | gép | leírás |
Mach 3 |
1989 |
Loriciels | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Mad Mix |
1988 |
Topo Soft | arcade, maze | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Mad Mix 2 |
1990 |
Topo Soft | arcade, maze | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Mad Nurse | 1987 |
Firebird | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Mag the Magician | 2018 |
Radastan | arcade, maze | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Magic Ball | 1987 |
'a' Studio | arcade | Ep128 | |
Magic Ball 2 |
1990 |
BEES.g | arcade | Ep128 | |
Magic Tower | 2024 |
Seagal | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Magnetron |
1988 |
Firebird | arcade, maze | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Mahjongg |
1990 |
Devil | puzzle | Ep128 | |
Manic Miner |
1983 |
Bug Byte | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Mansion Adventure 1 | 1985 |
Microdeal | text adventure | Ep128 | |
Mario Bros | 1987 |
Ocean | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Market, The | 1985 |
Hightec | manager | Ep128 | |
Marsport |
1985 |
Gargoyle | adventure, graphic | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Martianoids |
1987 |
Ultimate | arcade, maze | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Mask 2 | 1987 |
Gremlin | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Mask 3 | 1988 |
Gremlin | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Masters of the Universe |
1987 |
Gremlin | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Match Day 2 |
1987 |
Ocean | sport | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Match Point |
1984 |
Psion | sport | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Mega Pac Man (HU) | 1993 |
Baráth Endre | arcade, platform | Ep128 | |
Mega Phoenix |
1991 |
Dinamic | shoot-em-up | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Mercenary |
1987 |
Novagen | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Mercenary 2 |
1988 |
Novagen | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Merlin | 1988 |
Firebird | arcade, maze | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Metalyx | 1987 |
Alternative Software | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Meteor Storm |
1982 |
Quicksilva | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Metro Cross |
1987 |
US Gold | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Mickey Mouse | 1988 |
Gremlin | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Microball |
1988 |
Alternative Software | pinball | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Micronaut One |
1987 |
Nexus | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
MicroProse Soccer | 1989 |
MicroProse | sport | Ep128, Amstrad | |
MicroProse Soccer Reloaded | 1989 |
MicroProse | sport | Ep128 | |
Midnight Resistance |
1990 |
Ocean | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
MIG Busters |
1989 |
Players | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
MIG-29 Soviet Fighter | 1989 |
Code Masters | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Milk Race | 1987 |
Mastertronic | sport | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Mini-Zork 1 (ISDOS) | 1988 |
Infocom | text adventure | Ep128 | |
Mini-Zork 2 (ISDOS) | 1988 |
Infocom | text adventure | Ep128 | |
Mirror World |
1986 |
'a' Studio | shoot-em-up | Ep128 | |
Mission Jupiter |
1987 |
Code Masters | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Molar Maul | 1983 |
Imagine | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Monte Carlo Casino | 1989 |
Code Masters | gamble | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Monty is Innocent | 1985 |
Gremlin | arcade, maze | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Monty on the Run |
1985 |
Gremlin | arcade, maze | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Monty Pithon's Flying Circus |
1990 |
Virgin | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Moon Alert |
1984 |
Ocean | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Moon Cresta | 1985 |
Incentive | shoot-em-up | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Moonmist (ISDOS) | 1986 |
Infocom | text adventure | Ep128 | |
Mordon's Quest | text adventure | Ep128 | |||
Motos |
1987 |
Mastertronic | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Mountie Mick's Death Ride |
1987 |
Reaktor | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Movie |
1986 |
Imagine | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Mozaik (HU) |
1992 |
Hsoft | logical | Ep128 | |
Mr. Alex (HU) | 1985 |
Andromeda | arcade, platform | Ep128, Videoton | |
Mugsy |
1984 |
Melbourne House | text adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Munsters, The |
1989 |
Again Again | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Mutan Zone |
1989 |
Opera Soft | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Mutant Test (HU) |
1994 |
Orksoft | arcade adventure | Ep128 | |
Myth |
1989 |
System 3 | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Nanako in Classic Japanese Monster Castle | 2009 |
Mojon Twins | arcade, platform | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Nautilus |
1987 |
Rack-it | simulation | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Navy Moves |
1989 |
Dinamic | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Navy SEALs |
1991 |
Ocean | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Nebulus |
1987 |
Hewson | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Nebulus | 1988 |
Hewson | arcade, platform | Ep128, Amstrad | |
N.E.I.L. Android |
1988 |
Alternative Software | arcade adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Nether Earth | 1987 |
Argus Press | strategy | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Neverending Story, The |
1985 |
Ocean | text adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Newton Almája (HU) | 1987 |
Octa Soft | logical | Ep128 | |
Next War, The | 2021 |
Michael Cadwallader | strategy | Ep128, Spectrum Next |
NewZealand Story, The |
1989 |
Ocean | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Nibbles |
1994 |
EDC | arcade | Ep128 | |
Nibbles 1k | 2005 |
PovySoft | arcade | Ep128 | |
Nicholson Basket Ball |
1989 |
Topo Soft | sport | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix | 1988 |
Martech | simulation, race | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Night Breed |
1990 |
Ocean | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Night Gunner | 1983 |
Digital Integration | arcade | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Night Hunter |
1990 |
Ubi Soft | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Night Shift |
1991 |
US Gold | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Nightshade |
1985 |
Ultimate | arcade, maze | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Ninja Commando | 1989 |
Zeppelin | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Ninja Massacre | 1989 |
Code Masters | arcade, maze | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Nodes of Yesod |
1985 |
Odin | arcade, platform | Ep128, Spectrum | |
N.O.M.A.D. |
1986 |
Ocean | arcade, maze | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Nonamed |
1987 |
Dinamic | arcade, adventure | Ep128, Spectrum | |
North & South | 1989 |
Infogrames | arcade, strategy | Ep128, Amstrad | |
NorthStar |
1988 |
Gremlin | arcade action | Ep128, Spectrum | |
NorthStar |
1988 |
Gremlin | arcade action | Ep128, Amstrad | |
Nosferatu the Vampyre |
1986 |
Piranha | arcade, maze | Ep128, Spectrum | |
Nuclear Countdown |
1987 |
Atlantis Software | arcade, maze | Ep128, Spectrum | |